Women Who Lead: Insights from Niti Jain, Director of Neva Garments – Neva Clothing India




Historically, women have always been looked down upon for engaging in non-household chores. There was a stereotype created that men are supposed to be the breadwinners and women in the house have to be responsible for the family. However, the times have changed quite a lot now. We are seeing women break barriers in every aspect of life. Be it the health industry , cosmetology, or garments. We see women ruling everywhere. With their creativity , zeal, and passion, women can take the world to great heights. This blog is all about the life of Mrs. Niti Jain, the director of Neva Garments Pvt. Ltd.

Women Who Lead: Insights from Niti Jain, Director of Neva Garments

The visionary journey of Niti Jain

Niti Jain was born on October 24, 1978. She is the eldest sibling out of the 3 daughters born to Mr. Nirmal Jain, Chairman of Neva Garments. Being the eldest sibling in the house, she had a lot of responsibilities piling up. She took the decision to join the family business when she was very young, only at the age of 21 when the brand was founded in 1999. She was all geared up to take this brand to great heights. Started under the guidance of her father, she continues to grow the business with a big smile on her face. 

Being a role model for women's empowerment

Niti Jain’s family had 3 daughters, and the fact that there was no male child in the family was a big step out of the norm. She played a double role. Not only men in the house can go to big factories. She decided to make a bold move and go against the conventional ideas of society. This bold move was a very inspirational move for other women around her to do something big and to step out of the norm. She played a double role. Not only was she handling household duties, but also those of the company and its employees.

Navigating challenges with grace

The number of responsibilities on her head kept increasing over time. After her marriage, she was blessed with a daughter in 2001. This big change in life did not stop her from being determined. She continued working and taking care of her growing family with the support of her parent's.  She was also blessed with a son in 2005. Being a mother of 2 kids, she is handling the job of being a perfect mother and an entrepreneur in the most successful way.  The company became the leading producer of winter thermals all over India under her father’s and her supervision.

Passion for social work

Apart from being a businesswoman, Niti is also very fond of helping the needy. Niti has always sponsored events like blood donation camps or free vaccinations for employees. Other events, like taking part in charities at orphanages or visiting and supplying thermals to the blind and deaf, were also done by her.

Leadership in action

She is the perfect example of a leader. She is single handedly managing hundreds of employees. She is very well aware of how to be a team leader and how to ensure the employees are cordial to one another.  The various tasks, like getting things done, running a supply chain that includes production, manufacturing, and sales, are something she excels at.

Initiator of change

Niti has always been passionate about sustainability. Over time, she has made changes in the company to reduce pollution and waste. The garments created under her supervision are of fine quality and sustainable because they can last for very long periods of time.  Another unique motive that she is spreading is the Make in India campaign, where she has supported people to purchase goods made locally in India.

Celebration of life

Niti has always enjoyed her work. She also has several other interests. She enjoys being in nature. Her other hobbies include going for a morning walk or run, zumba,  meditation, and music.

A perfect example of an allrounder

Niti Jain has many versatile qualities. She is a team leader, disciplined , organized, and patient. Most importantly, the word that goes the most with her personality is BOLD. She was bold and courageous enough to go against societal expectations and do something extraordinary. Another admirable quality about her is that she is emotionally smart. She has faced several setbacks in life but has never given up.


The personal story line of Niti Jain from Neva Garments teaches us a lot.She is a perfect example of empowering women. She is a perfect entrepreneur, daughter , mother, and wife. Being the eldest daughter of the family, she not only took care of her parents but also a large company.She gave an example for other women around her to break traditional norms. It is very important to break these conventions, as this can take the country to another level. Women have a creative mindset, and this can be used in several industries. Their determination and passion can also help huge businesses grow.

Today, just like her, there are several other women who are running big business empires. For example, the judges of Shark Tank India are also founders of huge makeup companies in India.

I hope the story of her life inspires other young women out there to create a journey of their own.

Here are few inspiring words from her

“I wish on this Women's Day that every woman in today's time should become independent and serve sufficient. Not only should they do routine work but also focus on their passion and work on it. In the last few years so many startups have emerged and so many opportunities are seen during Covid time also when women started their cloud kitchen and pursued for their passion which converted into some earnings.Therefore, in continuation to this trend I wish that all women fly high and make their dreams come true.”




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